“But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Luke 11:20
Welcome to Bound No More, the inner healing and deliverance sector of the I Will Not Keep Silent Ministries. We offer in-person group inner healing and deliverance as well as corporate zoom meetings. We believe inner healing and deliverance is not a one time event but can often be a process of consecration to God. Those seeking help must be dedicated to living a life worthy of the call of Jesus Christ. This means you have to repent and be willing serve Christ with your whole body, soul, and spirit to keep the breakthrough you will receive. We invite you to come as you are and encounter the true and living God. Miracles are reality, and your divine appointment awaits. At the bottom of the page you can read testimonies of those who have experienced deliverance with our ministry.
Welcome to Bound No More, the inner healing and deliverance sector of the I Will Not Keep Silent Ministries. We offer in-person group inner healing and deliverance as well as corporate zoom meetings. We believe inner healing and deliverance is not a one time event but can often be a process of consecration to God. Those seeking help must be dedicated to living a life worthy of the call of Jesus Christ. This means you have to repent and be willing serve Christ with your whole body, soul, and spirit to keep the breakthrough you will receive. We invite you to come as you are and encounter the true and living God. Miracles are reality, and your divine appointment awaits. At the bottom of the page you can read testimonies of those who have experienced deliverance with our ministry.
Upcoming Meetings
Bound No More Deliverance Revival
Date: Feb 15th @ 3PM
Location: Amarillo, TX
333 Apostolic Center
305 S Jefferson St suite 101
Amarillo, TX79101
Bound No More Deliverance Revival
Date: March 1st @ 3PM
Abundant Life Ministries
Midland, TX
Date: Feb 15th @ 3PM
Location: Amarillo, TX
333 Apostolic Center
305 S Jefferson St suite 101
Amarillo, TX79101
Bound No More Deliverance Revival
Date: March 1st @ 3PM
Abundant Life Ministries
Midland, TX
Meet The Team Leaders
CHER BUTLER is a daughter of God, wife, and mother. In addition, she is the President of I Will Not Keep Silent Ministries, Founder of the Bound No More Deliverance Ministry, Co-Founder and Partner of the 333 Apostolic Center in Amarillo, Tx, and Co-Host of the Are You Real Podcast. She's been a frequent guest on God's Learning Channel (GLC TV). She’s an apostolic ministry leader that trains and equips leaders in ministry and the marketplace. Furthermore, she’s an entrepreneur, author, mentor, speaker, revivalist, teacher, prophetic seer, deliverance minister, and an aspiring innovator. She’s a lover of Jesus Christ, and a glory carrier on a mission to spread the gospel.
Ruthie is the co-founder and Vice President of I Will Not Keep Silent Ministries and Co-Founder of Bound No More Deliverance Ministries. She was called by the father as a young adult but the enemy came in like a flood and tried to take her out. She was miraculously healed on her death bed through deliverance. She is a walking sign and wonder. She operates in the gifts of prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom, healing, and a strong gift of distinguishing of spirits. She is a mentor, teacher, speaker, revivalist, and inner healing and deliverance minister. She’s a retired social worker with 25+ years of experience. She has a heart for the broken and is able to pull out the gold that God planted in others.
Karen Reséndiz- Garcia is a teacher of theology and an author. She is originally from Mexico and now resides in Odessa, Texas. Karen is the founder of a Women’s Ministry called Isha Ruaj – Woman of the Spirit, reaching women of all ages in Mexico and the United States. She is also the founder of Little Seeds Children´s Ministry, reaching children in over 90 countries. Along with her husband and three children, Karen serves God full-time. Presently, she dedicates a great part of her time to writing and creating resources for her ministries, and participates in monthly strip club ministry outreaches. She is the administrator, publicist, and Spanish translator for the IWNKS ministries. In addition, she serves on the prayer, prophetic, evangelism, and deliverance teams with IWNKS.
Kasey Fuller is a powerhouse and visionary prophet in the kingdom of God. She is able to see what the Lord is saying and breathe life into his blueprints! She takes what’s intangible and makes it tangible. For the IWNKS ministries, she is the overseer, worship director, a mentor, life coach, marriage counselor revivalist, and teacher. She is also a team leader with the Bound No More Deliverance Ministries! She has a passion for health and fitness, and is a professional personal trainer. She is a national award-winning athlete, entrepreneur, interior designer, and an aspiring author! You will see much more from her in the future.
Testimony after listening to the podcast at the top of the page!
“I came to the Bound No More Revival and got confirmation on what God has already showed me concerning who I am, and what he has done in my life already. I was shown that where he has me isnt where I'm staying, it's time to go to new places in this walk. I'm not sure where that is or what it looks like, but I'm trusting him. I was also shown the steps I've taken to have a true deliverance and healing were the right steps. I wasn't sure why I was going, because I already believed I’d been delivered and set free, but I had to make sure. And the confirmation I received clarified that. And I'm so thankful and grateful for your guys obedience and allowing God to use you to help others, whether it was in healing, deliverance, or just simple confirmation. It's all appreciated Amen” - Shady Ramos
the BNM revival I got two prophetic words from the Lord, and I have been listened to the words again on my recording, just taking it all in! I just feel in awe.🥰 I have felt so happy! Also, the day after was the first day I have woken up without back pain & my feet hurting in forever!” - Lana
“In this meeting of IWNKS God confirmed to me that my prayers have been answered, and that every plan that He has for me will become even greater, full of grace and mercy. I realized that I have to be more courageous, and at the team meeting I learned how to share my testimony, just as God wants us to do. During the BNM meeting I felt this great presence of the Holy Spirit during worship, touching hearts and revealing identities that broke chains of suffering and pain. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, that I need to believe more in his word than my own understanding.” - Gaaby ❤️
“Worship was amazing, messages were amazing, 5 and his music was amazing! At one point there was almost like an angelic, glowing covering over Karen. God had given me a word to relay to her. At another moment I felt a heavy presence of God to the point of almost falling over. I got a personal message about discouragement that was very timely and something that God showed me that many deal with but not bring it to light to deal with. Many were set free and delivered by the Power of God!
As I take a step back to see the bigger picture, I notice many things God has shown me throughout the years. How He used MANY situations as learning experiences, stretching, molding, humbling, and most of all for growth and spiritual maturity. Now I'm not saying I'm better than anyone no, so don't twist it like the devil does. I've seen pride ruin people, I've seen prayer expose demonic influenced folks minutes after I prayed for HIM to show me. I've seen great men fall victim to jezebel spirit overtaking. I've watched folks physically dying do to unforgivness and anger. I've seen and heard where people call what Jesus did IN THE BIBLE, things HE commands US to do too, demonic, or "that was for that time only" or "it was just used to get people attention." Let me say something. If YOU deny ANY PART OF GOD'S WONDERFUL WORD, my brother or sister, repent and reread His Holy Word, but this time ask the Holy Spirit to show and guide you. People say, casting out demons, healing, and so forth is no longer active today. If that is so then why does HE give us POWER AND AUTHORITY? So we can play church? No, don't be naive. All of HIS Word can be applied and learned from TODAY. God has removed me from places and has removed people from me to prune the unfruitful works of evil influenced folks. Why am I saying all this? because I have PERSONALLY experienced ALL these things and then some, but God has also brought in some Godly people that would help me grow and mature that much more. That would teach me things I never thought I could do. Seeing gifts in me and showing how to use them and operate in them. God is so good and I'm truly grateful for the awesome peeps at IWNKS Ministries, 333 Apostolic Center, Bound No More, Are you Real, and now the up and coming Forged In Fire movement!!!!! 🔥 Thank you Jesus!!” -Erik Ceniceros
“Inner healing and deliverance are not often spoken about in the church, yet so many people live their life being spiritually tormented and oppressed. After experiencing many traumatic events as a child, rape, domestic violence, and many years of drug addiction; I was able to recognize the spiritual battle I was in and how to overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit. It has taken me many years to grow spiritually and to begin to make sense of all the things I have experienced throughout my life. Recently, my daughter was traumatized by a choking incident that has caused her many problems. She has had many diagnostic tests to rule out any medical issues with her swallowing or throat. However, the physicians diagnosed her with PTSD and food aversion. They put her on medication, counseling, food therapy, and she also has a dietician. I know that her struggle is spiritual and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and deliver. I came to the bound no more conference for strength, guidance, and deliverance. I sought help through this ministry for healing and restoration for myself and my family. I was moved by the presence of the Holy Spirit during praise and worship, and we were given a prophetic word that was encouraging and inspiring. Sisters in Christ helped us to identify areas in our life that needed mending and guided us through supportive prayer. We were able to renounce any practices that have brought generational curses and bind any assignments of the enemy. We were also able to repent for past sins that are keeping us in bondage or agreement with the plans of the enemy. It was an amazing experience to acknowledge our painful experiences and shine light on the dark areas of our lives that have caused spiritual conflict. The deliverance team members were able to identify things that I never made mention of and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, rid us of any demonic presence. Initially, my daughter was sick coughing and spitting but then she witnessed flashes of light leave her and confirmed she felt so much better. I was initially very dizzy and had a pounding headache but was overtaken by the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit at work through his servants. The next morning, my 16-year-old son came to church with me, who had been so very lost and rebellious. My daughter also ate waffles for the first time in a very long time. I am truly gratefulfor the amazing work of this deliverance ministry to help people heal and be delivered from the enemy. Truly blessed to have been given the opportunity. Thank you so much!”- Dawn Barbini
“All I can say about the meeting in Amarillo is that for me it was truly a divine appointment with the Father. I needed a work and I needed healing. He knew where and how I would receive it, and He made sure I made it there. While there, He reminded me who I am and who's I am. I am HIS daughter first before I am anything else. I am His daughter, and it's His desire to take care of me. As much as I want a closer relationship with Him, He wants it more, and is willing to move mountains for me, which is something that I have been praying for! I pray for faith that moves mountains, and because of my experience at the IWNKS meetings, I can physically feel my faith growing. In addition, my courage to step into my calling and my willingness to be obedient to his word is growing. Also, because of the deliverance I received from a spirit of sadness, I am able to experience more of the joy of the Lord, and that has been unexplainable, just the freedom that I have now.” - Kathrine McCain
“At the Bound No More conference I heard the Lord say to me, “watch and learn.” It was like a commissioning to do that. During worship this is what I saw and heard. I asked Jesus to show me where he is. I saw (in the spiritual realm) the Angel of the Lord pacing up and down the room. He looked like a regular man in a plaid shirt. I just knew in my knower who he was. Jesus said, “I sent my emissary ahead of me – power, protection, preparing the room for hearts to open.” Then I felt my right ear clear (open) and Jesus on my right, his mouth right at my ear. He said, “I am the God who speaks. Listen to me.”
Jesus said, “I chose every song today.” God the father is holding every soul in his hands. None will slip away. He fortifies each for today’s battle.
The worship leader next to the piano who sang first…she had on a t-shirt with flowers. God let me glimpse her soul, or an aspect of it, and it’s is SO BEAUTIFUL. He says he made her to be His beauty. Her voice, her spirit, console His daddy heart with beauty and yieldedness. I felt the Holy Spirit is prepping for the full deliverance.
Then Jesus in my ear says, “Let freedom ring.” God lets me know that this is one of the campfires of believers that George Washington saw in his prophetic visions of our nation.
Kalora had a word which was, “God wants to pour out his love on everyone here . His liquid-honey love.” In Ephesians 1:17 it reads, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of Wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him.” I see a strong oak growing in/through Kalora. There are branches high and wide above her head, ready to welcome little ones, to shelter in the branches. I see the trunk of the oak is her strength in the Lord and His protection in battles, storms, and against sadness. No powers of darkness can prevail.
When the man 5ive got up to rap God highlighted this line he said, “Submit yourself to the Lord” comes before “Resist the devil and he will flee.” I felt Holy Spirit manifestations in my palms as he sang and rapped. Jesus said to me in my ear, “Sojourn here a while, but don’t forget where you’ve been called.” I think he means to enjoy this ministry and even participate for a time, but remember He called me to go serve at St. Ann’s Church. 5ive said, “Remember faith without works is dead.” That felt affirming. I saw a column of light pouring down on him like a waterfall, but it’s a solid downpour of light. Jesus said to me, “He is your brother. Pray an impartation of rest for him.
During the inner healing teaching with Kasey, Cher, and Ruthie I was focused on the personal inventories. After I listed people I should forgive, Jesus said, “I’m free.” Then I had a vision of a horse galloping in heaven. It meant freedom. I feel the Holy Spirit in my palms again, but also a more painful spot in my right hand. It reminded me of Jesus’s nail wound, though it didn’t hurt badly. God was telling me that Jesus suffered and died and rose for these healings.
I hear God in my usual daily life, but not in the way it was in this conference as a constant flow and constant presence of Jesus in my ear. It’s a testimony of how powerfully God was presence and it was so easy to flow with the Holy Spirit!” - Kris
“I just want to touch base with you after the deliverance meeting. First of all, I want to state that we got confirmation on things we have been praying about. Some things have hindered our relationship but we aren’t letting them interfere any longer. We have decided to take the next steps and get married within the next few days. It’s like everything is just falling into place. We quit drinking and going out, and are trying to stay plugged into anything and everything that connects us to God. I have spent so much money on therapy and medicine that seemed to only mask the root of things but not get to core issues. The inner healing part of this event was amazing and has helped us both so much. I had PTSD and anxiety so bad that my leg would constantly shake, my shoulders would get tense, and I could not sit still. It would take everything in me to not jump up and move around. I haven’t taken any meds since the day before the meeting. There is a peace and a calm that has been upon us. The ubiquitousness of God's presence is so much clearer. We went to church on Wednesday, and when it was over we were walking to our car when Lance said “Something happened to me when we went to deliverance. There was just something that changed inside me. Before I couldn’t give it my all. During praise and worship, it was so different this time. I feel so much better like a weight had just been lifted off of me.” And that's exactly what has happened with us, a weight has been lifted off of us. I do believe that chains have been broken and generational curses will stop with us. I’m glad we were able to be a part of this.” - Dreya
“Today at work I was listening to some podcasts with Kasey Fuller and Cher Butler, Preparing for Inner Healing and Deliverance, and then I followed it up with, Are You Under a curse?!
I have gone through a couple healing and deliverance sessions already with the guidance of Cher and have had alot of breakthrough already.
Today was different, while listening to them talk about curses I immediately asked God to reveal to me things in my life that are bringing forth curses that im not aware of, I prayed the prayer with them and gave the demons their eviction notice. Within moments after they prayed, and I prayed, my stomach got hot and felt like it was burning up, my stomach stuck out like I was bloated, a few minutes later I started to dry cough like I had something stuck in my throat. It was hard to concentrate on my work, I was working around food and knew this was not the place to expell those demons, thankfully my shift ended and I ran to my car, by this time my stomach was still bloated and hurting, and on the way home I felt like I was going to throw up. I made it home, and the pain went through me like crazy. My back started to hurt, my stomach was on fire and bloated still, and i smelled something like propane. I asked my husband if he could smell it and he said no, once I got to the bathroom, prayed again to be set free and I started to throw up. It was quick, as I was throwing up images of things in my house came to me and I knew that I had to get rid of them immediately. After it finished I got up and grabbed the things and threw them in the same trash bag I threw up in and threw it all away.
DELIVERANCE WORKS! Don't know if I'd recommend you doing it at work and working around food, but if that's what it takes then so be it!!!
I feel alot better, lighter and in some ways excited! I got rid of some demons and curses!! This made even more room for God to fill me with his annointing and the Holy Spirit to work in me to be used for God's glory.
Thank you Cher & Kasey for taking the time out to do these podcasts. Keep it up!” - Rosealee Ceniceros
“When I came to the revival, I was only expecting worship & prayer with a prophetic word or two. I did not know how much my soul would be rocked by deliverance. Once Cher asked me to come to pray in the chair, I felt a chill run up my spine. What was about to happen? Maybe just a strong repentance session?? Prayers were just the beginning. As several ministers surrounded me, one in particular stood out in the small circle of people who were praying over my ancient generational curses. One voice stood out among the others….a minister praying in Spanish. Half of my heritage is from Spain & Mexico, but I had not disclosed that. Immediately my physical body started reacting to that voice and my deliverance truly began.
In the aftermath of this spiritual experience, the minister said that he didn’t know or speak any Spanish. I am feeling lighter & my self-talk has been cleansed from chaotic negativity that I didn’t even realize was so bad until it was gone. During regular church the next morning, I kept seeing verses directly about “the Advocate”. I felt in my heart that I needed to “fill the empty rooms”. I began to pray for the Advocate/Holy Spirit to fill the empty rooms in my soul that had been vacated by way of deliverance.
I’m so thankful for this experience and to have found a way to clear the way for God’s Word and what he says about me to support my mental health and not the enemy’s.” - Anonymous
“Before I came to the Bound No More meeting at Yes Lord Church on June 10th, 2023, I was struggling with many things. In a nutshell, I was depressed, suicidal, filled with anxiety, addicted to pornography, and dealing with lots of past traumas. My past traumas consisted of anger from my dad and grandmas deaths, which I blamed God for, and turned away from him. I was also raped by a previous guy friend, and had much church hurts on top of that, so I stopped going to church. I was angry with my family who I felt rejected me. I used to cut myself and mutilated my body in different ways to relieve all the pain in my life. I carried tons of rage and hated to be around people. I was heavily involved in perversion and read books on sex.
When I walked into the Bound No More meeting, I was hearing voices say “you don’t need to be here, you are not loved, no one cares, after this go kill yourself.” Honestly, I didn’t even really want to go to the church, but just went because my friends wanted me to, but I heard God say, “stay here, you are in this place for a reason.” After that, I started to break and let go of things! I could finally see God in everything, I could hear him as I renounced things out loud. I began to feel lighter and calmer, however, I could also feel the darkness didn’t want to leave. I felt scared at one point but God said to trust him if I was truly ready to let go of it all.
God opened his arms back up to me and I got deliverance from demons. I could breath for the first time. I got my smile back. I got my life back. I felt so much peace and also felt 10 pounds lighter. I felt the weight physically come off of me. My cut marks disappeared.
When I got home, I knew what I needed to do next! I cleansed my room and I threw out the stuff God told me to. My whole vision changed, my whole world changed, I can finally see in color. I’m more energized. Im more hungry for God’s word. Im happier. Im not on my medication for depression anymore. I’ve been opening my bible more than ever before. I pray more! I feel freedom, and I thank God for never giving up on fighting for me. There is more to come!” - Emily
“I fell off of a roof in 2010 breaking my leg above the ankle. I went through two surgeries in which a cadaver bone, a metal plate, and pins and screws were put in my leg. It has been a source of pain ever since. Over time it had gotten progressively worse and has begun affecting my back as well. It was swollen and hurting by the end of each day. Saturday night, 5/6/2023 while sitting in the pew at the bound no more leadership deliverance service something in my leg popped and a great pressure was released. I have not experienced anywhere near the level of pain since.” - Eric Payne
“I was battling depression, anxiety, and diagnosed as bipolar. I was being tormented by witchcraft, I was waking up every night at 3am and not able to fall back asleep. In addition, I had a very bad accident in which I almost died. When this happened, I saw a bright light and my whole life flashed before me in a second. I woke up in the ER and I heard God tell me, “wake up, you have a calling and you need to get better because I need you.” I have always had trouble with people due to being taken advantage of in my past. I was verbally abused by my mother since I can remember, and depressed since I was 10 years old. I tried to commit suicide when I was 30 yrs old. I got married when I was 17 years old and became a teen mom. My ex-husband abused me psychically and verbally. The abuse continued until I got divorced. My father committed suicide on 8/21/11 and my sister in law also committed suicide 3/14/11. After receiving Jesus Christ in my life I was cured by the Holy Spirit. I forgave my mother and ex-husband. The prophet was able to pull out of my spine a serpent. My body was wiggling all the time, it felt like I had snakes in my whole body. I was healed by the Holy Spirit and now I know I have to serve God. He has a calling for me, but I still need to figure that out. I’ve been reading the Bible and praying everyday, morning, and night. I know that there will be some challenges but God will guide me. - Lizeth Valenzuela, Denver, CO
“What I saw at the event was a hunger from the people to be set free, to know more about Jesus, and then receive from Holy Spirit. I was in awe of what the Lord did in the lives of those who were desperate for Him! I saw many accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and then receive from Him! I believe we will see more of the desperation for God to move as we walk into these end times. It’s now or never, Choose Life! Choose Jesus!” = Christine Quinonez
"I grew up believing in deliverance. However, with the passing of years, after hearing certain teachings... I concluded deliverances weren't at all necessary. After seeing the cycles in my life, I realized there was something much deeper than having to modify certain behaviors. I prayed and read the Word, but every time I fasted, it became harder and harder. Coming back from a trip in the Dominican Republic last year, I noticed how my dreams became darker. I began to question if what I was hearing or seeing was God inspired. It wasn't until I shared with Cher what I assumed was rooted in familiar spirits. She mentioned an inner healing and deliverance service and I went. The first night during inner healing, the root to something I semi forgot about came into full focus. What was so impressive was that when Jesus showed up, the memory's pain was erased. Literally it was lit up in white light and I knew it had happened, but all I can see now was light. The same thing happened again with the next issue. I drove back home 45 minutes away totally blown away with what God had just done. The second night was deliverance night. My history with deliverances, I opted for more private settings where I couldn't be embarrassed by misuse of the ministry. I knew I was in a safe place and whatever happened, abuse was not going to be an issue. Even in a public setting, I knew everything was with the love of Christ. I feel like the people who encountered Jesus, they could not keep silent what he’d done for them. I share my experience every time I can share it. This journey in Christ now feels new and I am embracing my newfound freedom in Him." - Melissa Pando
First of all, I want to give God all the glory and praise for setting me free from all my past burdens! I carried these burdens for 36 years; it was a battle from the enemy not wanting to let go of me. At the age of 10, I was sexually abused by a family member, and it lasted for 3 years. That's around the time anxiety and fear came in. I was afraid others would see my shame, and how dirty I was, so I kept to myself. I wouldn't speak to anyone, not even God. I thought I wasn't worthy of his love. I even considered suicide multiple times. However, on Saturday night, with the help of my spiritual sisters, I was guided to the altar at Abundant Life Ministries, in Midland TX. I was set free. Jesus fought for me, and he won the battle. I no longer feel fear and i’m at peace. I’m now excited for the future. I pray my testimony will help build faith in you, and others, so you can also be set free in Jesus’ name, amen. I also want to thank Jane Morin, Cher Butler, Ruthie Dickey and Kasey Fuller for the work they do.” - Jessica Garcia
“For those who think that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were only needed during the Early Church… that miracles and signs of wonder were only meant to happen during the Bible times… or that healing and deliverance is something completely out of our reach... then I want to invite you to reconsider. See, I once felt that too, even when I always believed in the Holy Spirit and his power. Truth is, we don’t see it on a daily basis, and it makes us wonder if is real, or how real it is. After many years of waiting, I just experienced from the first row how God performs miracles and wonders in these days. I saw many people being set free, being instantly healed and refreshed by the Holy Spirit. And I can only tell you that it is real, it is authentic and it’s powerful! And good news… you can experience that too!!” -Karen Garcia
“I had been growing very weary about things occurring in my life. Things just felt like they were getting worse, in my marriage and with my children…total chaos. It felt like there had been no change or answer to prayer, but Holy Spirit spoke through these women and gave me encouragement that soon there would be breakthrough and revelation in my life, so amazing and encouraging! I went up for prayer for pride and anger and using curse words, and I was delivered from the spirit of Jezebel! Hallelujah The Spirit of the Lord was so heavy there and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! All Glory and honor to God!” - Christina
“This weekend opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn’t know, and stuff from my past resurfaced. When the stuff resurfaced, I was set free from so much, healed, and delivered. I was delivered from tormenting dreams and chronic body pain I carried for 13 years. I’m free from the pain and trauma that stole my joy away little by little. I used to worry about how others viewed me, what I looked like, and what was being said about me. I can now say I’m completely FREE!!” Amanda
“These meetings are powerful and effective. Seeing people’s lives transformed right before your eyes is incredible. The last meeting, I was honored to witness at least 20 people born again and dozens more delivered. I observed healings of knees, back pain, stomach issues and hearing loss. The greatest healing to see, however, was the inner healing. God did spiritual heart surgery for many as He broke off generational curses and set captives free from demonic oppression. Watching people come forward in bondage and walk away a new person with a completely different countenance is difficult to describe in words. Holy Spirit was definitely at work!” - Melissa Hooper
“When I was little, I always went to church. I knew who God was, but I didn’t really know him personally. When I went to the revival this weekend, I thought to myself “why am I going?” I felt like God was never there for me because of the problems I went through as well as the trials I’m currently going through. I didn’t know I had a lot of hate in my heart until I went, but I did, and it felt so good to go. When the young ladies were praying over me and the spirit of God laid me down, and I felt something come out of my body. I’ve never felt that before. After that I couldn’t stop crying, it was like something I’ve been so afraid of and so scared of just went away. I am proud to say that I’m a child of God! I will continue to follow him and to get to know him better.”- Areil
“I came to the Bound No More Revival and got confirmation on what God has already showed me concerning who I am, and what he has done in my life already. I was shown that where he has me isnt where I'm staying, it's time to go to new places in this walk. I'm not sure where that is or what it looks like, but I'm trusting him. I was also shown the steps I've taken to have a true deliverance and healing were the right steps. I wasn't sure why I was going, because I already believed I’d been delivered and set free, but I had to make sure. And the confirmation I received clarified that. And I'm so thankful and grateful for your guys obedience and allowing God to use you to help others, whether it was in healing, deliverance, or just simple confirmation. It's all appreciated Amen” - Shady Ramos
the BNM revival I got two prophetic words from the Lord, and I have been listened to the words again on my recording, just taking it all in! I just feel in awe.🥰 I have felt so happy! Also, the day after was the first day I have woken up without back pain & my feet hurting in forever!” - Lana
“In this meeting of IWNKS God confirmed to me that my prayers have been answered, and that every plan that He has for me will become even greater, full of grace and mercy. I realized that I have to be more courageous, and at the team meeting I learned how to share my testimony, just as God wants us to do. During the BNM meeting I felt this great presence of the Holy Spirit during worship, touching hearts and revealing identities that broke chains of suffering and pain. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, that I need to believe more in his word than my own understanding.” - Gaaby ❤️
“Worship was amazing, messages were amazing, 5 and his music was amazing! At one point there was almost like an angelic, glowing covering over Karen. God had given me a word to relay to her. At another moment I felt a heavy presence of God to the point of almost falling over. I got a personal message about discouragement that was very timely and something that God showed me that many deal with but not bring it to light to deal with. Many were set free and delivered by the Power of God!
As I take a step back to see the bigger picture, I notice many things God has shown me throughout the years. How He used MANY situations as learning experiences, stretching, molding, humbling, and most of all for growth and spiritual maturity. Now I'm not saying I'm better than anyone no, so don't twist it like the devil does. I've seen pride ruin people, I've seen prayer expose demonic influenced folks minutes after I prayed for HIM to show me. I've seen great men fall victim to jezebel spirit overtaking. I've watched folks physically dying do to unforgivness and anger. I've seen and heard where people call what Jesus did IN THE BIBLE, things HE commands US to do too, demonic, or "that was for that time only" or "it was just used to get people attention." Let me say something. If YOU deny ANY PART OF GOD'S WONDERFUL WORD, my brother or sister, repent and reread His Holy Word, but this time ask the Holy Spirit to show and guide you. People say, casting out demons, healing, and so forth is no longer active today. If that is so then why does HE give us POWER AND AUTHORITY? So we can play church? No, don't be naive. All of HIS Word can be applied and learned from TODAY. God has removed me from places and has removed people from me to prune the unfruitful works of evil influenced folks. Why am I saying all this? because I have PERSONALLY experienced ALL these things and then some, but God has also brought in some Godly people that would help me grow and mature that much more. That would teach me things I never thought I could do. Seeing gifts in me and showing how to use them and operate in them. God is so good and I'm truly grateful for the awesome peeps at IWNKS Ministries, 333 Apostolic Center, Bound No More, Are you Real, and now the up and coming Forged In Fire movement!!!!! 🔥 Thank you Jesus!!” -Erik Ceniceros
“Inner healing and deliverance are not often spoken about in the church, yet so many people live their life being spiritually tormented and oppressed. After experiencing many traumatic events as a child, rape, domestic violence, and many years of drug addiction; I was able to recognize the spiritual battle I was in and how to overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit. It has taken me many years to grow spiritually and to begin to make sense of all the things I have experienced throughout my life. Recently, my daughter was traumatized by a choking incident that has caused her many problems. She has had many diagnostic tests to rule out any medical issues with her swallowing or throat. However, the physicians diagnosed her with PTSD and food aversion. They put her on medication, counseling, food therapy, and she also has a dietician. I know that her struggle is spiritual and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and deliver. I came to the bound no more conference for strength, guidance, and deliverance. I sought help through this ministry for healing and restoration for myself and my family. I was moved by the presence of the Holy Spirit during praise and worship, and we were given a prophetic word that was encouraging and inspiring. Sisters in Christ helped us to identify areas in our life that needed mending and guided us through supportive prayer. We were able to renounce any practices that have brought generational curses and bind any assignments of the enemy. We were also able to repent for past sins that are keeping us in bondage or agreement with the plans of the enemy. It was an amazing experience to acknowledge our painful experiences and shine light on the dark areas of our lives that have caused spiritual conflict. The deliverance team members were able to identify things that I never made mention of and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, rid us of any demonic presence. Initially, my daughter was sick coughing and spitting but then she witnessed flashes of light leave her and confirmed she felt so much better. I was initially very dizzy and had a pounding headache but was overtaken by the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit at work through his servants. The next morning, my 16-year-old son came to church with me, who had been so very lost and rebellious. My daughter also ate waffles for the first time in a very long time. I am truly gratefulfor the amazing work of this deliverance ministry to help people heal and be delivered from the enemy. Truly blessed to have been given the opportunity. Thank you so much!”- Dawn Barbini
“All I can say about the meeting in Amarillo is that for me it was truly a divine appointment with the Father. I needed a work and I needed healing. He knew where and how I would receive it, and He made sure I made it there. While there, He reminded me who I am and who's I am. I am HIS daughter first before I am anything else. I am His daughter, and it's His desire to take care of me. As much as I want a closer relationship with Him, He wants it more, and is willing to move mountains for me, which is something that I have been praying for! I pray for faith that moves mountains, and because of my experience at the IWNKS meetings, I can physically feel my faith growing. In addition, my courage to step into my calling and my willingness to be obedient to his word is growing. Also, because of the deliverance I received from a spirit of sadness, I am able to experience more of the joy of the Lord, and that has been unexplainable, just the freedom that I have now.” - Kathrine McCain
“At the Bound No More conference I heard the Lord say to me, “watch and learn.” It was like a commissioning to do that. During worship this is what I saw and heard. I asked Jesus to show me where he is. I saw (in the spiritual realm) the Angel of the Lord pacing up and down the room. He looked like a regular man in a plaid shirt. I just knew in my knower who he was. Jesus said, “I sent my emissary ahead of me – power, protection, preparing the room for hearts to open.” Then I felt my right ear clear (open) and Jesus on my right, his mouth right at my ear. He said, “I am the God who speaks. Listen to me.”
Jesus said, “I chose every song today.” God the father is holding every soul in his hands. None will slip away. He fortifies each for today’s battle.
The worship leader next to the piano who sang first…she had on a t-shirt with flowers. God let me glimpse her soul, or an aspect of it, and it’s is SO BEAUTIFUL. He says he made her to be His beauty. Her voice, her spirit, console His daddy heart with beauty and yieldedness. I felt the Holy Spirit is prepping for the full deliverance.
Then Jesus in my ear says, “Let freedom ring.” God lets me know that this is one of the campfires of believers that George Washington saw in his prophetic visions of our nation.
Kalora had a word which was, “God wants to pour out his love on everyone here . His liquid-honey love.” In Ephesians 1:17 it reads, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of Wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him.” I see a strong oak growing in/through Kalora. There are branches high and wide above her head, ready to welcome little ones, to shelter in the branches. I see the trunk of the oak is her strength in the Lord and His protection in battles, storms, and against sadness. No powers of darkness can prevail.
When the man 5ive got up to rap God highlighted this line he said, “Submit yourself to the Lord” comes before “Resist the devil and he will flee.” I felt Holy Spirit manifestations in my palms as he sang and rapped. Jesus said to me in my ear, “Sojourn here a while, but don’t forget where you’ve been called.” I think he means to enjoy this ministry and even participate for a time, but remember He called me to go serve at St. Ann’s Church. 5ive said, “Remember faith without works is dead.” That felt affirming. I saw a column of light pouring down on him like a waterfall, but it’s a solid downpour of light. Jesus said to me, “He is your brother. Pray an impartation of rest for him.
During the inner healing teaching with Kasey, Cher, and Ruthie I was focused on the personal inventories. After I listed people I should forgive, Jesus said, “I’m free.” Then I had a vision of a horse galloping in heaven. It meant freedom. I feel the Holy Spirit in my palms again, but also a more painful spot in my right hand. It reminded me of Jesus’s nail wound, though it didn’t hurt badly. God was telling me that Jesus suffered and died and rose for these healings.
I hear God in my usual daily life, but not in the way it was in this conference as a constant flow and constant presence of Jesus in my ear. It’s a testimony of how powerfully God was presence and it was so easy to flow with the Holy Spirit!” - Kris
“I just want to touch base with you after the deliverance meeting. First of all, I want to state that we got confirmation on things we have been praying about. Some things have hindered our relationship but we aren’t letting them interfere any longer. We have decided to take the next steps and get married within the next few days. It’s like everything is just falling into place. We quit drinking and going out, and are trying to stay plugged into anything and everything that connects us to God. I have spent so much money on therapy and medicine that seemed to only mask the root of things but not get to core issues. The inner healing part of this event was amazing and has helped us both so much. I had PTSD and anxiety so bad that my leg would constantly shake, my shoulders would get tense, and I could not sit still. It would take everything in me to not jump up and move around. I haven’t taken any meds since the day before the meeting. There is a peace and a calm that has been upon us. The ubiquitousness of God's presence is so much clearer. We went to church on Wednesday, and when it was over we were walking to our car when Lance said “Something happened to me when we went to deliverance. There was just something that changed inside me. Before I couldn’t give it my all. During praise and worship, it was so different this time. I feel so much better like a weight had just been lifted off of me.” And that's exactly what has happened with us, a weight has been lifted off of us. I do believe that chains have been broken and generational curses will stop with us. I’m glad we were able to be a part of this.” - Dreya
“Today at work I was listening to some podcasts with Kasey Fuller and Cher Butler, Preparing for Inner Healing and Deliverance, and then I followed it up with, Are You Under a curse?!
I have gone through a couple healing and deliverance sessions already with the guidance of Cher and have had alot of breakthrough already.
Today was different, while listening to them talk about curses I immediately asked God to reveal to me things in my life that are bringing forth curses that im not aware of, I prayed the prayer with them and gave the demons their eviction notice. Within moments after they prayed, and I prayed, my stomach got hot and felt like it was burning up, my stomach stuck out like I was bloated, a few minutes later I started to dry cough like I had something stuck in my throat. It was hard to concentrate on my work, I was working around food and knew this was not the place to expell those demons, thankfully my shift ended and I ran to my car, by this time my stomach was still bloated and hurting, and on the way home I felt like I was going to throw up. I made it home, and the pain went through me like crazy. My back started to hurt, my stomach was on fire and bloated still, and i smelled something like propane. I asked my husband if he could smell it and he said no, once I got to the bathroom, prayed again to be set free and I started to throw up. It was quick, as I was throwing up images of things in my house came to me and I knew that I had to get rid of them immediately. After it finished I got up and grabbed the things and threw them in the same trash bag I threw up in and threw it all away.
DELIVERANCE WORKS! Don't know if I'd recommend you doing it at work and working around food, but if that's what it takes then so be it!!!
I feel alot better, lighter and in some ways excited! I got rid of some demons and curses!! This made even more room for God to fill me with his annointing and the Holy Spirit to work in me to be used for God's glory.
Thank you Cher & Kasey for taking the time out to do these podcasts. Keep it up!” - Rosealee Ceniceros
“When I came to the revival, I was only expecting worship & prayer with a prophetic word or two. I did not know how much my soul would be rocked by deliverance. Once Cher asked me to come to pray in the chair, I felt a chill run up my spine. What was about to happen? Maybe just a strong repentance session?? Prayers were just the beginning. As several ministers surrounded me, one in particular stood out in the small circle of people who were praying over my ancient generational curses. One voice stood out among the others….a minister praying in Spanish. Half of my heritage is from Spain & Mexico, but I had not disclosed that. Immediately my physical body started reacting to that voice and my deliverance truly began.
In the aftermath of this spiritual experience, the minister said that he didn’t know or speak any Spanish. I am feeling lighter & my self-talk has been cleansed from chaotic negativity that I didn’t even realize was so bad until it was gone. During regular church the next morning, I kept seeing verses directly about “the Advocate”. I felt in my heart that I needed to “fill the empty rooms”. I began to pray for the Advocate/Holy Spirit to fill the empty rooms in my soul that had been vacated by way of deliverance.
I’m so thankful for this experience and to have found a way to clear the way for God’s Word and what he says about me to support my mental health and not the enemy’s.” - Anonymous
“Before I came to the Bound No More meeting at Yes Lord Church on June 10th, 2023, I was struggling with many things. In a nutshell, I was depressed, suicidal, filled with anxiety, addicted to pornography, and dealing with lots of past traumas. My past traumas consisted of anger from my dad and grandmas deaths, which I blamed God for, and turned away from him. I was also raped by a previous guy friend, and had much church hurts on top of that, so I stopped going to church. I was angry with my family who I felt rejected me. I used to cut myself and mutilated my body in different ways to relieve all the pain in my life. I carried tons of rage and hated to be around people. I was heavily involved in perversion and read books on sex.
When I walked into the Bound No More meeting, I was hearing voices say “you don’t need to be here, you are not loved, no one cares, after this go kill yourself.” Honestly, I didn’t even really want to go to the church, but just went because my friends wanted me to, but I heard God say, “stay here, you are in this place for a reason.” After that, I started to break and let go of things! I could finally see God in everything, I could hear him as I renounced things out loud. I began to feel lighter and calmer, however, I could also feel the darkness didn’t want to leave. I felt scared at one point but God said to trust him if I was truly ready to let go of it all.
God opened his arms back up to me and I got deliverance from demons. I could breath for the first time. I got my smile back. I got my life back. I felt so much peace and also felt 10 pounds lighter. I felt the weight physically come off of me. My cut marks disappeared.
When I got home, I knew what I needed to do next! I cleansed my room and I threw out the stuff God told me to. My whole vision changed, my whole world changed, I can finally see in color. I’m more energized. Im more hungry for God’s word. Im happier. Im not on my medication for depression anymore. I’ve been opening my bible more than ever before. I pray more! I feel freedom, and I thank God for never giving up on fighting for me. There is more to come!” - Emily
“I fell off of a roof in 2010 breaking my leg above the ankle. I went through two surgeries in which a cadaver bone, a metal plate, and pins and screws were put in my leg. It has been a source of pain ever since. Over time it had gotten progressively worse and has begun affecting my back as well. It was swollen and hurting by the end of each day. Saturday night, 5/6/2023 while sitting in the pew at the bound no more leadership deliverance service something in my leg popped and a great pressure was released. I have not experienced anywhere near the level of pain since.” - Eric Payne
“I was battling depression, anxiety, and diagnosed as bipolar. I was being tormented by witchcraft, I was waking up every night at 3am and not able to fall back asleep. In addition, I had a very bad accident in which I almost died. When this happened, I saw a bright light and my whole life flashed before me in a second. I woke up in the ER and I heard God tell me, “wake up, you have a calling and you need to get better because I need you.” I have always had trouble with people due to being taken advantage of in my past. I was verbally abused by my mother since I can remember, and depressed since I was 10 years old. I tried to commit suicide when I was 30 yrs old. I got married when I was 17 years old and became a teen mom. My ex-husband abused me psychically and verbally. The abuse continued until I got divorced. My father committed suicide on 8/21/11 and my sister in law also committed suicide 3/14/11. After receiving Jesus Christ in my life I was cured by the Holy Spirit. I forgave my mother and ex-husband. The prophet was able to pull out of my spine a serpent. My body was wiggling all the time, it felt like I had snakes in my whole body. I was healed by the Holy Spirit and now I know I have to serve God. He has a calling for me, but I still need to figure that out. I’ve been reading the Bible and praying everyday, morning, and night. I know that there will be some challenges but God will guide me. - Lizeth Valenzuela, Denver, CO
“What I saw at the event was a hunger from the people to be set free, to know more about Jesus, and then receive from Holy Spirit. I was in awe of what the Lord did in the lives of those who were desperate for Him! I saw many accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and then receive from Him! I believe we will see more of the desperation for God to move as we walk into these end times. It’s now or never, Choose Life! Choose Jesus!” = Christine Quinonez
"I grew up believing in deliverance. However, with the passing of years, after hearing certain teachings... I concluded deliverances weren't at all necessary. After seeing the cycles in my life, I realized there was something much deeper than having to modify certain behaviors. I prayed and read the Word, but every time I fasted, it became harder and harder. Coming back from a trip in the Dominican Republic last year, I noticed how my dreams became darker. I began to question if what I was hearing or seeing was God inspired. It wasn't until I shared with Cher what I assumed was rooted in familiar spirits. She mentioned an inner healing and deliverance service and I went. The first night during inner healing, the root to something I semi forgot about came into full focus. What was so impressive was that when Jesus showed up, the memory's pain was erased. Literally it was lit up in white light and I knew it had happened, but all I can see now was light. The same thing happened again with the next issue. I drove back home 45 minutes away totally blown away with what God had just done. The second night was deliverance night. My history with deliverances, I opted for more private settings where I couldn't be embarrassed by misuse of the ministry. I knew I was in a safe place and whatever happened, abuse was not going to be an issue. Even in a public setting, I knew everything was with the love of Christ. I feel like the people who encountered Jesus, they could not keep silent what he’d done for them. I share my experience every time I can share it. This journey in Christ now feels new and I am embracing my newfound freedom in Him." - Melissa Pando
First of all, I want to give God all the glory and praise for setting me free from all my past burdens! I carried these burdens for 36 years; it was a battle from the enemy not wanting to let go of me. At the age of 10, I was sexually abused by a family member, and it lasted for 3 years. That's around the time anxiety and fear came in. I was afraid others would see my shame, and how dirty I was, so I kept to myself. I wouldn't speak to anyone, not even God. I thought I wasn't worthy of his love. I even considered suicide multiple times. However, on Saturday night, with the help of my spiritual sisters, I was guided to the altar at Abundant Life Ministries, in Midland TX. I was set free. Jesus fought for me, and he won the battle. I no longer feel fear and i’m at peace. I’m now excited for the future. I pray my testimony will help build faith in you, and others, so you can also be set free in Jesus’ name, amen. I also want to thank Jane Morin, Cher Butler, Ruthie Dickey and Kasey Fuller for the work they do.” - Jessica Garcia
“For those who think that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were only needed during the Early Church… that miracles and signs of wonder were only meant to happen during the Bible times… or that healing and deliverance is something completely out of our reach... then I want to invite you to reconsider. See, I once felt that too, even when I always believed in the Holy Spirit and his power. Truth is, we don’t see it on a daily basis, and it makes us wonder if is real, or how real it is. After many years of waiting, I just experienced from the first row how God performs miracles and wonders in these days. I saw many people being set free, being instantly healed and refreshed by the Holy Spirit. And I can only tell you that it is real, it is authentic and it’s powerful! And good news… you can experience that too!!” -Karen Garcia
“I had been growing very weary about things occurring in my life. Things just felt like they were getting worse, in my marriage and with my children…total chaos. It felt like there had been no change or answer to prayer, but Holy Spirit spoke through these women and gave me encouragement that soon there would be breakthrough and revelation in my life, so amazing and encouraging! I went up for prayer for pride and anger and using curse words, and I was delivered from the spirit of Jezebel! Hallelujah The Spirit of the Lord was so heavy there and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! All Glory and honor to God!” - Christina
“This weekend opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn’t know, and stuff from my past resurfaced. When the stuff resurfaced, I was set free from so much, healed, and delivered. I was delivered from tormenting dreams and chronic body pain I carried for 13 years. I’m free from the pain and trauma that stole my joy away little by little. I used to worry about how others viewed me, what I looked like, and what was being said about me. I can now say I’m completely FREE!!” Amanda
“These meetings are powerful and effective. Seeing people’s lives transformed right before your eyes is incredible. The last meeting, I was honored to witness at least 20 people born again and dozens more delivered. I observed healings of knees, back pain, stomach issues and hearing loss. The greatest healing to see, however, was the inner healing. God did spiritual heart surgery for many as He broke off generational curses and set captives free from demonic oppression. Watching people come forward in bondage and walk away a new person with a completely different countenance is difficult to describe in words. Holy Spirit was definitely at work!” - Melissa Hooper
“When I was little, I always went to church. I knew who God was, but I didn’t really know him personally. When I went to the revival this weekend, I thought to myself “why am I going?” I felt like God was never there for me because of the problems I went through as well as the trials I’m currently going through. I didn’t know I had a lot of hate in my heart until I went, but I did, and it felt so good to go. When the young ladies were praying over me and the spirit of God laid me down, and I felt something come out of my body. I’ve never felt that before. After that I couldn’t stop crying, it was like something I’ve been so afraid of and so scared of just went away. I am proud to say that I’m a child of God! I will continue to follow him and to get to know him better.”- Areil